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I Made a Fortune Selling on Online Auctions: Case Study

By: Christine Whitfield BA (hons) - Updated: 24 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Ebay Site Clothes Money Photos Upload

Have you ever needed a little extra cash? Ever tried to think of newand innovative ways to make money? Phoebe Button from Leicester was inthe same boat until someone suggested trying Ebay. It turned out to bethe best decision of her life.

“I had a 9-5 job but who doesn’t need an extra bit of help every nowand again?” says Phoebe. “I decided to try selling some of my clotheson Ebay after a friend of mine told me how easy it was.

Too Many Clothes

“I had tons of clothes, far too many and selling them on Ebay meant Icould not only make a little bit of money but also clear some space inmy wardrobe!

“I sorted out which clothes I wanted to keep and which I was happy toget rid off. There were loads and loads of clothes that I didn’t want,far more than I realised.

“I have quite a passion for fashion and I love designer clothes sothere were a number of designer pieces that I wanted to sell. I getbored very easy so even though they were beautiful and expensiveclothes I was bored of them.

“I laid all the clothes I wanted to sell on my bedroom floor andphotographed them. I then spent the evening uploading the photos toEbay and writing a few descriptive notes for them. I set some reserveprices for the items and then switched off the computer.

The Bids Come In

“The next evening I was amazed to see lots of people had bid on myclothes. I had set the reserve prices quite high and most of the bidswere below but I was so pleased to see so much interest in my clothes.

“Within a few days there were literally hundreds of bids and half ofthe items had reached their reserve price. I was so happy! Then abouta month after I had put the clothes on the site all of the items hadreached their reserve price. I was getting cheques sent to me on analmost daily basis. It was brilliant!

“Of course this just made me want to sell more. I looked through mywardrobes to find some more clothes to sell and then went through myaccessories, jewellery and even cds. I called my stuff Phoebe’sBoutique and uploaded each item under this name. it was like having myown shop.

“Within three months I’d made over 3500. It was wonderful. Since thenI have continued to upload items every now and again. The onlydrawback is photographing and uploading the items can take some timeand can get a bit tiresome but when the cheques come in it’s so worthit.

“I would recommend selling on Ebay to everyone. Whether you’re savingfor a holiday or looking to pay off some debts, selling unwanted stuffon Ebay is a great way to make a little extra cash. Go for it – andclear some space in your house while you’re at it.”

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